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Glencoe and the End of the Highland War

Author Paul Hopkins
Details Soft Cover, Birlinn Publishers (Originally John Donald), 544 pp.
ISBN 0859764907

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This is the first paperback edition of this account of the Massacre of Glencoe, and of the events that surrounded it.

Hopkins, an authority on early Jacobitism, for the first time sets the Massacre in its true context. The book describes the tensions in the Highlands between the Restoration and the Revolution and the influence on the Highlands of national politics.

Besides filling in a blank in our knowledge of the Highlands in the decade following the Massacre, the book transforms our perspective on lowland politics by showing that the enquiry was part of a secret patriotic campaign to break the aristocracy's political stranglehold and increase the Scottish Parliament's powers.

Easily the best available study of the Highlands in the late 17th century.
- British Book News


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